Nutrition Garden Rx
Optimizing urban gardens for health and climate benefits
Social Benefits
Improve awareness of health and climate benefits of gardens
Increase food access, nutrition, and health prevention
Improve access to desirable plants gardens, physical and mental health benefits of gardens
Exchange food and garden stories and learning across cultures, levels of income, generations, and disciplines during garden design and implementation
Facilitate community collaboration to help maintain gardens
Ecological Benefits
Decrease food system carbon footprint by localizing food sources and investing in plant-based foods
Lower healthcare system’s carbon footprint by preventing chronic health conditions that require a lot of healthcare resources
Increase biodiversity
Regenerate soil health
Drawdown carbon
Economic Benefits
Decrease healthcare and household food cost
Generate workforce development opportunities for underemployed people in frontline nonprofits, regenerative agriculture, land restoration, landscape services, gardeners, farmers, nurseries, horticulture, farming, farming supplies, seed production, local food system operations, horticultural therapists, nutrition professionals, climate professionals, designers, etc.
Leverage additional resources for Nutrition Garden Rx efforts from medical sources
Long-Term Benefits
Create Nutrition Garden Rxs for specific medical conditions and nutrient deficiencies
Produce modular Nutrition Garden Rxs for disaster relief and food security
Use a similar design process to support locally-based international development organizations’ missions
Next Step
Implement medically fundable, therapeutic food forest and programs to support adolescents living with high levels of trauma and/or diversabilities bridge into more vibrantly healthy adulthood. We are currently implementing this project in Oregon in East Multnomah County (outer East Portland and Gresham) and inner NE Portland, Oregon.